

阅读 :


on the night of 15 december 1944, american musician glenn miller left an airbase in southeast england to entertain us soldiers in paris. his plane was never seen again, and wild rumours about his fate sprang up, from death at the hands of the nazis to a covered up death in the arms of a paris prostitute.

a more likely explanation emerged later. fred shaw was a navigator on an raf bomber. on 15 december 1944, with its bombing mission to germany aborted because of bad weather, his squadron was heading back to base. for safety reasons, the planes were ordered to jettison their bombs over the english channel before landing. shaw looked out the window and saw the bombs hit a small plane underneath them. only after seeing the film the glenn miller story in 1956 did shaw fit together the dates and times and realise that it was probably miller's plane.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:格伦.米勒之死(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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