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My mom's side of the family is Irish. So my grandma would tell me stories about my great-grandpa who was from Ireland. Just small stories, such as the fact that he had a musical ear and could play almost every instrument. (I wish it passed on through the family.) I've always been into paranormal things, so I would always ask her if he had encountered anything out of the ordinary throughout his life. Her memory was vague, so she asked her sister Mary, and Mary reminded her of his banshee incidents back in County Cork Ireland.

My grandma explained to me what Mary had remembered her father telling her as a kid. A banshee, before I go on, is an Irish myth. A ghost that protects an Irish family throughout eternity without showing itself, unless someone in the family dies. Since the banshee can predict the future, it knows who is going to die beforehand. So it mourns under the moonlight, with cries more like the wind and shows itself to someone in the family (preferably the one who isn't going to die). It gets so sad because it is a part of the family.

So anyway, when my great grandpa was a kid he would ride home on a horse, back in Ireland, through the fields from school dances. So once in a while his horse would stop dead in its tracks, because you know animals can sense things people can't. My great grandpa would tell it to trudge on, but it wouldn't budge

So then my great grandpa would feel the coldness of ghosts and would hear the banshee's wail, and my Aunt Mary recalled him saying that the banshee's wail is the worst. Then the wailing and the touch of the ghosts would pass on and his horse would move again. That was all my aunt Mary could remember.

Now since my grandpa had seen and heard the banshees, I'm beginning to think we may have a banshee in our family. But not just because of my great grandpa, but because of my mom as well.

When my mom was nine, she woke up in the middle of the night to look outside the window into the backyard. Glittering in the moonlight, she saw a woman weeping. My mom could hear her cries and said they were more like the wind (she told me this before I read that most banshees cries ARE more like the wind). She also said that the woman was floating above their swimming pool and her appearance was unexplainable. My mom claimed that this woman looked young, but seemed as if she had lived for many years and was an old spirit. She also said that the woman had fair flowing hair. After a while of staring, my mom just lay her head back down on the pillow and drifted off to sleep.

Then I think one or two weeks later, my mom's grandparents died – in the same week. Coincidence? I wonder if I'm going to see one.

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本文标题:英语鬼故事:爱尔兰女妖(双语) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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