
百喻经之八: 山羌偷官库衣喻

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§8 山羌偷官库衣喻

(8) a rustic steals clothes from the palace treasury

过去之世,有一山羌,偷王库物而远逃走。尔时国王遣人四出推寻,捕得将至王边,王即责其所得衣处。山羌答言:“我衣乃是祖父之物。” 王遣著衣,实非山羌本所有故,不知著之,应在手者,著於脚上,应在腰者,返著头上。

once upon a time there was a rustic who stole garments from the palace and then escaped to a remote place. the king sent men to search for him in all directions. finally, he was arrested and taken to the king who accused him of theft and asked him where he had got the clothes. the rustic answered that they belonged to his grandfather. the king then ordered him to put them on. he did not know how to wear them. he put on his arms what should be worn on his legs. what he ought to have on his waist, he put on his head.


seeing this, the king summoned his ministers for consultation on the matter. "if the clothes belonged to your grandfather, you should know how to wear them. how can you wear them in all wrong ways? it's certain that they are not your old clothes. you have stolen them," said the king.


figuratively speaking, here the king is like buddha; the valuable clothes, the buddhist teachings; the stupid rustic, the heretic.


a heretic, who has eavesdropped on buddhism, makes it for his own. he then misinterprets it, because he does not know the real meaning of its teachings.


this heretic is like the rustic who stole the king's valuable clothes without knowing how to wear them properly and put them on in all the wrong ways.










本文标题:百喻经之八: 山羌偷官库衣喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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