
百喻经: 目录

阅读 :


尊者 僧伽斯那 撰
萧齐 天竺三藏 求那毗地 译

one hundred fables

translated by tetcheng liao


  §0 引言
0. prologue

  §1 愚人食盐喻
1. the stupid man takes salt

  §2 愚人集牛乳喻
2. the stupid man stores up milk

  §3 以梨打头破喻
3. the head is broken with pears

  §4 妇诈称死喻
4. the wife pretends to be dead

  §5 渴见水喻
5. getting thirsty on seeing water

  §6 子死欲停置家中喻
6. the dead son is about to remain in the house

  §7 认人为兄喻
7. one reckons another man to be one's elder brother

  §8 山羌偷官库衣喻
8. a rustic steals clothes from the palace treasury

  §9 叹父德行喻
9. the father's virtues are praised

  §10 三重楼喻
10. three-storied house

  §11 婆罗门杀子喻
11. the brahman kills his son

  §12 煮黑石蜜浆喻
12. the boiled black - rock honey syrup

  §13 说人喜瞋喻
13. commenting on someone's quick temper

  §14 杀商主祀天喻
14. offering the guide up as sacrifice to god

  §15 医与王女药令卒长大喻
15. the physician gives medicine to the princess to make her grow up

  §16 灌甘蔗喻
16. water the sugar - cane

  §17 债半钱喻
17. a debt of half a cent

  §18 就楼磨刀喻
18. grind a knife upstairs

  §19 乘船失釪喻
19. loss of a silver bowl by boat

  §20 人说王纵暴喻
20. the king was said to have given rein to cruelty

  §21 妇女欲更求子喻
21. a woman longs for a second child

  §22 入海取沉水喻
22. get lignaloes from under the sea

  §23 贼偷锦绣用裹氀褐喻
23. the thief steals embroidered satin to wrap up worn clothes and rags

  §24 种熬胡麻子喻
24. to cultivate the boiled sesame

  §25 水火喻
25. the fire and the water

  §26 人效王眼瞤喻
26. the king's blinking habit is imitated

  §27 治鞭疮喻
27. dress whip wounds

  §28 为妇贸鼻喻
28. change the wife's nose

  §29 贫人烧粗褐衣喻
29. the poor man burns his coarse woolen clothing

  §30 牧羊人喻
30. the sheep - farmer

  §31 雇倩瓦师喻
31. mason wanted

  §32 估客偷金喻
32. a trader steals gold

  §33 斫树取果喻
33. hacking a tree down for fruit

  §34 送美水喻
34. to send pure spring water

  §35 宝箧镜喻
35. the mirror in a valuable case

  §36 破五通仙眼喻
36. to blind an immortal

  §37 杀群牛喻
37. to kill a herd of cattle

  §38 饮木桶水喻
38. yelling at water

  §39 见他人涂舍喻
39. house painting

  §40 治秃喻
40. to cure baldness

  §41 毗舍阇鬼喻
41. pisacah devils

  §42 估客驼死喻
42. the trader and the dead camel

  §43 磨大石喻
43. to grind a big stone

  §44 欲食半饼喻
44. eating half a pancake

  §45 奴守门喻
45. the slave guards the door

  §46 偷犛牛喻
46. to steal the yak

  §47 贫人能作鸳鸯鸣喻
47. the poor man crows like a duck

  §48 野干为折树枝所打喻
48. the fox was hit by a snap of twig

  §49 小儿争分别毛喻
49. argument on the subject of hair

  §50 医治脊偻喻
50. to cure a hunchback

  §51 五人买婢共使作喻
51. a maid and her five masters

  §52 伎儿作乐喻
52. the musician

  §53 师患脚付二弟子喻
53. the master's aching legs

  §54 蛇头尾共争在前喻
54. the snake's argument

  §55 愿为王剃须喻
55. to be a king's barber

  §56 索无物喻
56. to ask nothing

  §57 蹋长者口喻
57. treading on the elder's mouth

  §58 二子分财喻
58. the two brothers and their inheritance

  §59 观作瓶喻
59. watching urn making

  §60 见水底金影喻
60. seeing the shadow of gold at the bottom of a pond

  §61 梵天弟子造物因喻
61. brahma's disciple can create all things

  §62 病人食雉肉喻
62. the patient eats the pheasant meat

  §63 伎儿著戏罗刹服共相惊怖喻
63. an actor wearing a demon's garment

  §64 人谓故屋中有恶鬼喻
64. an evil demon in the old house

  §65 五百欢喜丸喻
65. five hundred happy pills

  §66 口诵乘船法而不解用喻
66. reading the sailing methods

  §67 夫妇食饼共为要喻
67. a bet over a cake

  §68 共相怨害喻
68. bearing a grudge against one another

  §69 效其祖先急速食喻
69. the man eats quickly

  §70 尝庵婆罗果喻
70. to taste apples

  §71 为二妇故丧其两目喻
71. the man who turned blind

  §72 唵米决口喻
72. an operation on the mouth

  §73 诈言马死喻
73. the horse was dead

  §74 出家凡夫贪利养喻
74. becoming a common monk

  §75 驼瓮俱失喻
75. the camel and the jar are both lost

本文标题:百喻经: 目录 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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