
百喻经之四: 妇诈称死喻

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§4 妇诈称死喻

(4) the wife pretends to be dead


once upon a time there was a stupid man who loved very much his beautiful wife. however, she had no true love for him. in the meantime, she associated herself surreptitiously with another man. burning with lecherous passions, she wanted to leave her husband to be with her lover. she secretly told an old woman, "after my departure, i would like you to place a woman's corpse in my house. you then tell my husband that i'm dead."

老母于后伺其夫主不在之时,以一死尸置其家中。及其夫还,老母语言:“汝妇已死。” 夫即往视,信是己妇。哀哭懊恼。大积薪油,烧取其骨,以囊盛之,昼夜怀挟。

the old woman did what she was told. she told the husband shortly after his return that his wife passed away. he went to see the corpse and believed it was that of his own wife. he grieved and wept bitterly. he gathered a great deal of wood and oil together for the cremation. then he put the ashes into a bag and had it with him day and night.


shortly after, the wife got tired of her lover. she came back and told her husband, "i'm your wife."


the husband answered, "my wife died a long time ago. who are you to lie to me that you are my wife?" the husband refused to believe her, in spite of her repeated explanations.


so are the heretics who, having learned the heretical doctrine, confusedly stick to it with all their soul and take the doctrine to be the right one without altering their mind forever. thus they will be unable to believe, accept or keep any other creed even it is an orthodox one.















本文有深刻的社会生活内容,涉及到家庭、感情、人际关系,这三条线索贯穿始终,而且每一个线索都展现了一幅生活画面。这些内容体现了佛教高僧潜移默化的教化方式和对社会生活的深刻认识。在这三条线索之后推出了一个用明喻修辞方法表现的寓意,寓意中又含有一层曲喻,使人读来如海上行一小船,虽碧海蓝天 风平浪静,却有水深莫测 险象潜行之感。


本文标题:百喻经之四: 妇诈称死喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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