
The Herdsman and the Lost Bull 牧人和丢失的牛

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A HERDSMAN tending his flock in a forest lost a Bull-calf from the fold. After a long and fruitless search, he made a vow that, if he could only discover the thief who had stolen the Calf, he would offer a lamb in sacrifice to Hermes, Pan, and the Guardian Deities of the forest. Not long afterwards, as he ascended a small hillock, he saw at its foot a Lion feeding on the Calf. Terrified at the sight, he lifted his eyes and his hands to heaven, and said: "Just now I vowed to offer a lamb to the Guardian Deities of the forest if I could only find out who had robbed me; but now that I have discovered the thief, I would willingly add a full-grown Bull to the Calf I have lost, if I may only secure my own escape from him in safety."

牧人在树林中放牛,不幸丢失了一头离群的小牛犊。他在树林中到处寻找,一无所获。 他发誓,只要能发现偷小牛犊的贼,他愿意供奉树林守护神一只羊。过了一会儿,当他走上 小山丘时,忽然看见山下有只狮子正在吃他的小牛犊。他吓得举起双手,仰望着天空,向天 祈求说:“我刚发

誓,如果捉到偷牛犊的贼,我愿供奉一只羊给树林守护神。现在那贼已发 现,我愿意失去那只小牛犊,并再添上一只大牛,只要我自己能安全逃离狮子。”



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本文标题:The Herdsman and the Lost Bull 牧人和丢失的牛 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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