
百喻经之七三: 诈言马死喻

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§73 诈言马死喻

(73) the horse was dead


once upon a time, there was a man who rode on a black horse to a battle. out of fear, he was incapable to combat. he daubed his face and eyes with blood and dirt. pretending to be dead, he laid down in the midst of corpses. the horse on which he had rode was taken away. after the battle was through, he went home bringing with him the cut-off tail of a white horse that belonged to another soldier. back at home, he was asked, "where is your old horse?"


the man replied, "my horse is dead. i have brought back with me its tail."


people said, "but your old horse was black. how did its tail turn white?" speechless, the man was laughed at.


so are the people at large. despite of their pretending to be good, pious, compassionate and restraining themselves to eat meat and drink wine, people indulge themselves in killing and injuring other sentient beings and thus raising to pain and cruelty. furthermore, they boast that they do good deeds, but there is nothing they will not do to commit sins, just like the stupid man and his horse.


  从前有一个人骑着一匹黑马入阵与敌作战,由于恐惧害怕,不敢战斗了;便用血污涂在面孔上,装出死的模样来,卧在死人中间。所骑的马便被别人夺走了,军队离去后,他便想回家,就截了人家的白马尾回来。到了家,有人问他:「你骑的那匹马如今在哪里? 为何不骑呢?」他答道:「我的马已死了,就拿了尾巴回来。」傍人说道:「你的马原本是黑的,尾巴怎么是白的呢?』他默然无答,遭到众人的嗤笑。


本文标题:百喻经之七三: 诈言马死喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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