
百喻经之九一: 贫人欲与富者等财物喻

阅读 :

§91 贫人欲与富者等财物喻

(91) the poor want to have as much as the rich


once upon a time, there was a poor man who had but few possessions. after meeting some rich men, he wanted to be like one of them. unable to do so, he was about to throw the little he had into the water. some bystander said, "what you possess may be little, but you can live on it for a while. why do you want to throw it into the water?"


this is similar to what is done by the stupid of the world. people who happen to be ordained men get offerings, which come way below their expectations. what they have cannot equal that received by the high and virtuous ones. they see that those old and virtuous ordained men are supported by the mass of famous people. they want to be on an equal footing with them. unable to get equality, they feel sorrowful and painful to such a degree as to break their faith.

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本文标题:百喻经之九一: 贫人欲与富者等财物喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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