
百喻经: 引言

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§0 引言

thus have i heard. once upon a time sakyamuni, the enlightened one, was staying in a park called karanda bamboo grove, near rajagriha city. he held a meeting with thirty six thousand men including great monks, bodhisattvas, mahasattvas and the eight groups of supernatural beings.

on that occasion, there were five hundred brahmans in the assembly. one of them rose from his seat and said to sakyamuni, the buddha: "we have learned that buddhism is so profound that there is no parallel to it. so we have come to ask you to explain it to us."

very well, the enlightened one said.

is the universe existent or non-existent? the brahman asked.

it is both existent and non-existent, the enlightened one replied.

the brahman said, "how can you say non-existent of what is now existent? how can you say existent of what is now non-existent?"

the enlightened one replied, "the living say it is existent, but the dead say it is non-existent. consequently, i say it is both existent and non-existent."

he asked, "what does man live on?"

the enlightened one replied, "man lives on cereals."

he asked, "where do the five cereals come from?"

they come from the four elements, fire, wind, water and earth, the enlightened one replied.

where do the four elements come from? the brahman asked.

they come from void. the enlightened one replied.

where does the void come from? he asked.

it comes from nothingness. the enlightened one replied.

where does nothingness come from? he asked.

from the nature. the enlightened one replied.

where does nature come from? he asked.

from nirvana. the enlightened one replied.

where does nirvana come from? he asked.

why do you ask about such profound things. nirvana is the law of non-birth and immortality. the enlightened one replied.

have you attained nirvana? he asked.

i haven't reached nirvana yet. the enlightened one replied.

if you haven't reached nirvana yet, how do you know nirvana is an eternal bliss? he asked.

now let me ask you whether the life of the sentient beings in the world is happy or miserable, the enlightened one said.

i view it as very miserable. he replied.

本文标题:百喻经: 引言 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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