
意大利童话:The Three Castles 三个城堡

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the three castles

a boy had taken it into his head to go out and steal he also told his mother

"aren't you ashamed!" said his mother "go to confession at once, and you'll see what the priest has to say to you"

the boy went to confession "stealing is a sin," said the priest, "unless you steal from thieves"

the boy went to the woods and found thieves he knocked at their door and got himself hired as a servant

"we steal," explained the thieves, "but we're not committing a sin, because we rob the tax collectors"

one night when the thieves had gone out to rob a tax collector, the boy led the best mule out of the stable, loaded it with gold pieces, and fled

he took the gold to his mother, then went to town to look for work in that town was a king who had a hundred sheep, but no one wanted to be his shepherd the boy volunteered, and the king said, "look, there are the hundred sheep take them out tomorrow morning to the meadow, but don't cross the brook, because they would be eaten by a serpent on the other side if you come back with none missing, i'll reward you fail to bring them all back, and i'll dismiss you on the spot, unless the serpent has already devoured you too"

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本文标题:意大利童话:The Three Castles 三个城堡 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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