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A Funny Story Of Santa and the Two Sisters

Daisy and her thirteen-year-old sister, Mia, had been fighting a great deal during the last year. This often can happen when you combine a strong-willed two-year-old, who is sure she is always right, with a young adolescent.

Daisy's parents, trying to take advantage of her newfound interest in Santa Claus, reminded the two-year-old that Santa was watching and he was unhappy when he saw children argue and fight. This had little impact on little Mia who really didn't understand.

'I'll just have to tell Santa about your misbehaviour,' the mother said as she picked up the phone and dialed. Mia's eyes grew big as her mother asked, 'Mrs. Claus?' [it was really Daisy and Mia's aunt as Santa's real line was busy] if she could put Santa on the line.

Mia's mouth dropped even further open her mother described to Santa [Mia's uncle] how the two-year-old was acting. When her mother told Mia that Santa wanted to talk to her, she reluctantly took the phone.

Santa, speaking in a deep voice, explained to Mia how there would be no presents Christmas morning to children who fought with their sisters. He would be watching, and he expected things to be better from now on.

Mia, now even more wide eyed, solemnly nodded to each of Santa's remarks and silently hung the phone up when he was done. After a short while, the sister's mother [trying hard not to laugh at being so clever] asked Mia, 'What did Santa say to you, darling?'

In almost a whisper, Mia, sadly but matter-of-factly stated, 'Mummy, Santa said he won't be bringing any toys to Daisy this year.'


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本文标题:圣诞节英语小故事:圣诞老人和黛西家两姐妹通电话(双语) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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