

阅读 :


David worked in an oven factory . the outer walls of the factory were painted blue . One day , the boss draw the outline of a new kind of oven on the paper . David advised him over and over not to produce it without an overall market research . the boss’s ability was very outstanding at the outset of his career . But now he had not an ounce of common sense . That was the shortcoming he ought to overcome .  But the boss had been cheated by the outward appearance of the market . He overestimated the market demand . the workers wore blue overalls , working day and night . The factory increased the output . But the boss could not find new outlets for their products . The outbreak of price war made the factory run out of money soon . The failure beat the boss out of his courage . David was very sorry with the outcome . He had nothing to do but resign . Anyway , he needed some outdoor activities . He ought to go to outdoors for fresh airs . On a sunny day , David went to the outermost outskirts . He had prepared a camping outfit . The outskirts had a pleasant outlook . The river overflowed its bank . David took off his overcoat since it was warm . It was such nice a day .   


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本文标题:看英语小故事速记单词:公司破产,戴维辞职(中英双语对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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