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Thomas was a writer by occupation. Thomas was an objective writer. His book was not obscure at all. To write an other good book, he went to a village working there as an occasional worker. The village had been in the occupation of a headman for thirty years. He was an obstinate man. He obliged the villagers to obey his orders. Obedience was an obligation falling on every villager. The villagers were obedient to him. Every order had been observed well. No one made any objection. On occasion, the villagers swore an oath to support the headman. Thomas was there on such an occasion. various objects were put on the table. One of them was an oar. It was made of oak. He observed the oath ceremony carefully. It was obvious that lack of education was an obstacle of their awakening. Thomas objected to this kind of obsolete autarchy. He smoked an occasional cigar. Thinking of the solution occupied most of his free time. Though the headman adopted a policy of obstruction, Thomas led the people to obtain their civil rights. The villagers had succeeded in their main objectives. They were obliged to Thomas for what he had done for them.


英语故事 英语小故事 英文故事 英语童话故事

本文标题:看英语小故事速记单词:作家托马斯(中英双语对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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