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Our town built a cinema recently. In a few weeks, the audiences multiplied tenfold. Last week I saw two movies. One was a musical. The other one was about an ancient Greek myth. This evening, there would be a thrilling movie. After my delicious supper, roast mutton and fried mushroom, I went to the cinema. It rained and the rain turned dust into mud. But a multitude of people had gathered at the gate of the cinema. I could hear someone murmuring in the crowd. The film began on time. It said about a famous musician. He had multiple achievements on music. One night the musician was murdered mysteriously in the municipal museum! Why he went there was a mystery to everybody. His wife was mute on the subject. The police suggested they give mutual support to each other. But she only kept on muttering to herself. At the end of the movie, the big and muscular killer appeared again!


英语故事 英语小故事 英文故事 英语童话故事

本文标题:看英语小故事背单词:看电影(中英双语对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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