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Bison 野牛

Dolphin 海豚

Polar Bear 北极熊

Rabbit 兔子

Bat 蝙蝠 

Cangaroo 袋鼠

Elephant 大象

Giraffe 长颈鹿

Hedgehog 刺猬

Sheep 羊

Skunk 臭鼬

Zebra 斑马

Unlike most of the other grass-eaters in the Sahara, the giraffe doesn't migrate (leave its homeland) during dry seasons because it gets enough water from the leaves it eats. Giraffes rarely bend down to drink water or eat grass -- a baby giraffe even can stand just 20 minutes after it's born!

  · I live on the continent of Africa -- in and around the Sahara Desert.
  · I live in dry areas like deserts but always need to be around trees.
  · I don't have a real house and actually sleep standing up.
  · I have a small head, long legs and an even longer neck that's very strong. I also have hoofs on the bottoms of my feet.
  · I'm orange or light brown with dark brown circles or spots. As I get older, I start to turn darker brown.
  · I'm one of the tallest mammals in the world! I can be up to 17 feet (about 5.5 meters) tall. Most of my height comes from my long neck.
  · I can weigh as much as 1,800 pounds (around 800 kilograms)!
  · I only eat vegetables (scientists call me a herbivore) -- almost always leaves from the tops of trees.
  · Even though I'm huge, I actually can run quite fast, up to 35 miles per hour (about 56 kilometers per hour). I also might kick with my big, heavy hoofs.
  · I often live in dry areas where there is little water. And because I'm so tall, I have to get water from the leaves I eat instead of from the ground. So I can go for months without actually drinking.




  · 我住在非洲大陆—在撒哈拉沙漠及其周边地区。
  · 我住在象沙漠一样干燥的地方,但常常需要它周围有树。
  · 我没有真正的房屋,实际上,我是站着睡觉的。
  · 我有一个小头,长腿和一个更长的粗壮的脖子,我的脚底上也有蹄。
  · 我是橘红色或浅棕色的,上有深棕色的圆环和斑点。因为长大了,颜色开始变成深棕色。
  · 我是世界上最高的哺乳动物之一!我可能长到17英尺(大约5.5米)高。我大部分的身高主要来自于我的长脖子。
  · 我能达到1,800磅(约800千克)重。
  · 我只吃蔬菜(科学家称我为草食动物)—几乎常常是树梢的叶子。
  · 虽然我个子大,可实际我跑得相当快,能达到每小时35英里(大约每小时56千米)。我也能用我那又大又沉的蹄子来踢。
  · 我经常住在少水的干燥地区。因为我太高,所以我不得不从我吃的叶子中获得水分,而不是从地上,因此,我实际上能前行数月而不必喝水。

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