
古德明英语军事小故事:日本人的「阳光疗法」 (中英对照)

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following the japanese invasion of the philippines in december 1941, us forces and their filipino allies retreated to the bataan peninsula, and surrendered four months later.for six days in april 1942, some 75,000 american and filipino prisoners-of-war were forced to march for more than 60 miles through the tropical jungle of the philippines, before being loaded into goods trains for transfer to prison camps. the prisoners were denied food and water on the march, and for hours on end* were exposed to the full glare of the sun. the japanese jokingly referred to this torment as"sun treatment". as well as suffering from heat and dehydration, many prisoners contracted malaria or dysentery. exhausted prisoners who fell by the wayside were shot or beheaded on the spot. only 54,000 of the prisoners reached their destination.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:日本人的「阳光疗法」 (中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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