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削足适履 中文



“削足适履”比喻办事情不遵循实际情况,生拉硬套, 牵强附会。


削足适履 英文

cut the feet to fit the shoes; act in a procrustean manner

The Han Dynasty (hàn cháo汉朝) book titled Huai Nan Zi (huaí nán zǐ 淮南子) tells a story about a man who went out to buy shoes. The shopkeeper handed him a pair that was small. The foolish man, instead of asking for another pair, tried to cut his feet to fit the shoes. When the foolish man went to buy a cap, the first cap he tried was too small, so he tried to cut off his scalp so that the cap would fit.

This idiom satirizes those who handle things without considering the real situation, but rigidly adapt unsuitable rules.

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