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  • Points: 165
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  • We are the last generation? Reply
  • does china need a emperor to put all people into prison? Reply
  • Greek proverb:“A great place,a great solitude.” Reply
  • I go back to work today after contracting virus and being tested nagative Reply
  • what happened to your will happen to you same again Reply
  • Real NameMarcus
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1983 - 6 - 17
  • HoroscopeGemini
  • Zodiacpig
  • EducationMaster
  • Occupationlogistics consulting
  • Positionproject manager
  • Relationshipsingle
  • Blood TypeA
  • Websitehttp://
  • Introductionkindly, honest and ernst person
  • Hobbyreading and writing

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  • s300679 published a new blog 2-13 18:52
    A New start
    I have been in Beijing for almost three years and the time goes faster than I have thought. Sometimes I have a self talk and I ask myself If I goe ...
  • s300679 published a new blog 7-27 11:40
    First of all, I'd like to explain what courage means.courage is one's physical and psychological state, or in other word It means strong heart. Eve ...
  • s300679 published a new blog 3-5 17:23
    Excellences, member of assembly UN for women and distinguished guests I am reaching out to you because I need your help Gende ...
Some opinions about writer Liu Zhenyun 2022-02-14
    The early works of Liu zhenyun are highly recommended. Especially he and other writers of his generation are intensively influenced ...
(370) Views|(0) Replies
Package tour 2021-04-22
    Package tour is also known as package holiday which means the tour or holiday will be organized by tour operator at fixed price and tha ...
(674) Views|(0) Replies
A New start 2018-02-13
I have been in Beijing for almost three years and the time goes faster than I have thought. Sometimes I have a self talk and I ask myself If I goe ...
(911) Views|(1) Replies
Courage 2017-07-27
First of all, I'd like to explain what courage means.courage is one's physical and psychological state, or in other word It means strong heart. Eve ...
(822) Views|(1) Replies
Equality 2016-03-05
Excellences, member of assembly UN for women and distinguished   guests   I   am reaching out to you because   I n ...
(975) Views|(3) Replies

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