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a special and effective way for learning english 2011-11-05
Today I will give you a special way of learning english.   Learning english is just like learning other skills, you need to ...
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财经郎眼 2011-10-25
I am recently watching a TV program called Cai Jing Lang Yan (财经郎眼), It's a chinese program, so you can check it out if you understand ...
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A World According to Monsanto 2011-10-18
"A World According to Monsanto" is a documentary which unveil the truth about genetically modified food and the comp ...
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I love manga 2011-10-10
Reading manga is a good choice for killing time, I love it. It's different from video games, which may get you too exciting sometimes. From Dragon B ...
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游戏王 Yu Gi Oh Abridged Movie 2011-10-07
Today I will give you some funny movies about Yu Gi Oh made by some people, Yu Gi Oh is a famous anime about people dueling each other by ...
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BouneXiao 2011-12-31 23:49
Happy new year! Be cool!
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