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读过网上一些所谓的雅思写作高分范文,一些同学会沮丧地发现自己在将近20年的英语学习道路上居然积攒了那么多的低级词,随后这些被低级词彻底打败了的同学便决定洗心革面,脱胎换骨,重新做人…… 用高级词汇来武装自己的头脑。实际上,如果认真研究考官范文,我们会发现真正的官方范文里是不会大量使用一些老师所谓“高级大词”的,换句话说,考官范文中那些真正的“高级词”基本上你都能看懂,但是,你自己却根本写不出来!



From a personal perspective, it can be argued that these courses provide more job opportunities, career progression, better salaries, and therefore an improved quality of life for students who take them. On the societal level, by forcing people to choose particular university subjects, governments can ensure that any knowledge and skill gaps in the economy are covered.

考官在这个段落中,论述了大学生学习理工类学科的好处!具备大学英语四级(CET-4)词汇量的同学,你们会发现这个段子你基本上都能看懂,这些词汇有一个共同特点 — 具体,比如provide more job opportunities 提供更多工作机会, career progression 职业发展, better salaries 丰厚的工资。此外,像skill gaps in the economy are covered,缩短经济时代中的技能差距,有多少同学能够想到用cover这个单词来表示“缩短”呢?所以,你会发现真正的高手写出来的作文你是可以看懂的,但是,很多词汇你却写不出来。



By building such easy-to-reach sporting facilities, people who lead sedentary life are more likely to walk out rather than sitting in front of the screen all day. Besides, the diverse sports facilities can cater for all ages. For example, the outdoor sporting field is mostly used by young people to play football or basketball; likewise, fitness facilities built in the community are beneficial for elderly people who enjoy warm-up exercise.

上面这个段子是考官用来论述修建体育设施是如何改善人们健康的。你会发现下划线所标记出的词汇与该大作文话题高度相关!比如,easy-to-reach sporting facilities 触手可及的运动设施, sedentary life 久坐不动的生活状态, cater for all ages 适合不同年龄的人,warm-up exercise 热身运动,如果这些词你无法脱口而出的话,那么我便有理由认为任何一个涉及到健康方面的观点你是写不好的。


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