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Task:The world has many towns and cities constructed in previous centuries that are suitable and livable for people in those times. What problems will this cause today and what can be done to solve these problems?



小站名师版(311 words)


In conclusion, more time and energy should be invested in handling the above problems in order to make both residents and governments benefit from this situation.

1.新东方版(258 words)


Overall, the governors play a vital role in city development, and tax payers should have the awareness of maintaining their new cities.

2.Pandawriting版(316 words


In sum, those old cities and towns may lead to budget deficit of governments and inconvenience of citizens. To cope with budget deficit, governments could choose to increase revenue through developing tourism; to provide citizens with a more comfortable life, governments should rebuild their cities quickly.

3.唐老雅版(372 words


In my view, these cities and towns may cause three kinds of problems. At the basic level, they can no longer provide satisfactory conditions for our modern existence.

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