

阅读 :

  All of us have heard or come across a Mr Joe who won a lottery or made an inheritance that made him insanely rich overnight. But then he lost everything in the due course of time and turned into a pauper again. But we don’t want that to happen to us, do we? The trick of being wealthy is not only to get rich but to hold on to your riches as well and that is something that everyone is not capable of. Thankfully, we are there to help. All you need is some money saving ideas that are listed here.

  1. Don’t rush into buying anything

  You might have woken up one fine morning from a dream with a deadly desire to buy a Porsche, but wait before you head off to the dealer. Always wait for at least a fortnight before making an investment and think on whether you really need it or not. Besides, it will also enable you to make an informed decision about the brand and dealer, in case you decide to go ahead and buy it.

  2. Stick to the shopping list

  Buying things on impulse should be avoided. Hold on tightly to your shopping list and don’t make any unwanted deviations from it. If an Armani suit or a diamond necklace catches your eye, just look away.

  3. Hold a get-together at home

  You can have the same fun at home with your friends at much less cost than heading out to a posh restaurant. Avoid eating out unnecessarily and prefer celebrating at home.

  4. Prefer public transportation

  Public transport is not only cheaper but sometimes it gets you faster to your destination as well. Besides, you’d also be saving the planet for future generations by saving on fuel!

  5. Avoid luxury

  Do your own work instead of getting someone else to do it for you. Prepare a cup of coffee rather than heading to Starbucks. These will do wonders to your savings.

  6. Buy in bulk

  Whenever possible, prefer to buy in bulk. You can’t imagine how much you can save this way. Non-perishable goods can be bought at wholesale rate and and safely stashed away in the store-room for future use.

  7. Pay bills on time

  How many times have you had to fork out late fees when you forgot to pay your electricity bills or were too busy to pay your phone bills? These unnecessary expenditures can be safely avoided by being a little more cautious.

  8. Prefer borrowing to buying and old to new

  We don’t expect you to go borrow your neighbor’s juicer, but you are definitely encouraged to at least borrow books from the library or your friends. When you can’t help buying, buy used books rather than brand new ones.

  9. Avoid brands

  More often than not, the regular shampoo has the same ingredients and is as good as, if not better than, the branded ones. The same goes with clothes and other stuff. Don’t be brand obsessed. Buy branded things only when you are sure that they are superior and to and have more utility than the goods on the shelf.


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