

阅读 :

1.Questing Inward


"On my head pour only the sweet waters of serenity. Give me the gift of the Untroubled Mind."


Once, as a young man full of exuberant fancy, I undertook to draw up a catalogue of the acknowledged "goods" of life. As other men sometimes tabulate lists of properties they own or would like to own, I set down my inventory of earthly desirables: health,love, beauty, talent, power, riches, and fame.


When my inventory was completed I proudly showed it to a wise elder who had been the mentor and spiritual model of my youth. Perhaps I was trying to impress him with my precocious wisdom. Anyway, I handed him the list. "This", I told him confidently, "is the sum of mortal goods. Could a man possess them all, he would be as a god.”


At the corners of my friend's old eyes, I saw wrinkles of amusement gathering in a patient net.An excellent list," he said, pondering it thoughtfully. "well digested in content and set down in not-unreasonable order. But it appears,my young friend,that you have omitted the most important element of all.You have forgotten the one ingredient,lacking which each possession becomes a hideous torment."


"And what,"I asked,peppering my voice with truculence,"is that missing ingredient?"


With a pencil stub he crossed out my entire schedule. Then, having demolished my adolescent dream structure at a single stroke, he wrote down three syllables: peace of mind. "This is the gift that God reserves for His special Proteges," he said.


Talent and beauty He gives to many. Wealth is commonplace, fame not rare. But peace of mind-that is His final guerdon of approval, the fondest insignia of His love.He bestows it charily. Most men are never blessed with it: others wait all their lives-yes,far into advanced age-for this gift to descend upon them."


1.这是由关系代词“who”引导的定语从句,从句中的“the mentor and spiritual model”指同一个人既是导师,也是精神模范。定冠词the后面接上两个名词或短语,用以表达同一个事物或个人具有两种不同称号或身份。
2.这是一个倒装的虚拟条件从句,省略了连词if,正常句式为:"if a man could possess them all" 。
3.句中运用了比喻的修辞手法,把"wrinkles"(皱纹)比作"a net"(一张网).感官动词“see”后接动词的现在分词形式,表示动作正在发生.
6.句子的宾语“talent and beauty"前置,用以强调。正常语序为:“He gives talent and beauty to many.”其中代词“He”指代“God”,首字母大写。

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本文标题:初学者爱上英语经典美文01:探寻内心(中英) - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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