
Doctors Joke (57)

阅读 :

  A man goes to his doctor for a complete checkup. He hasn‘t been feeling well and wants to find out if he’s ill. After the checkup the doctor comes out with the results of the examination.“I‘m afraid I have some bad news. You’re dying and you don‘t have much time,”the doctor says.“Oh no,that’s terrible. How long have I got?”the man asks.“10……”says the doctor.“

  10?10 what?Months?Weeks?What?!“he asks desperately.”10……9……8……7……“

  A man goes to his doctor for a complete checkup. He hasn‘t been feeling well and wants to find out if he’s ill. After the checkup the doctor comes out with the results of the examination.“I‘m afraid I have some bad news. You’re dying and you don‘t have much time,”the doctor says.“Oh no,that’s terrible. How long have I got?”the man asks.“10……”says the doctor.“

  10?10 what?Months?Weeks?What?!“he asks desperately.”10……9……8……7……“

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