

阅读 :

A Coach and His Players

  I was the new coach of a Little League baseball team and had not yet learned the names of my players. At our first game, I called each boy by the number on his uniform. When I yelled,"Number5, your time to bat, " Jeff Smith came to the plate to hit. When I called for "Number 7", Steve Heinz jumped up. Then I asked for "Number 1", and no one emerged from the dugout. Again I called for Number 1. Still no one.

  As the umpire looked on, annoyed at this delay of the game, I shouted, "Who is Number 1?"

  That's when the whole team yelled, "We are, Coach! We are!


  (1) coach n.教练
  (2) baseball n.棒球
  (3) bat v.(用棒)击
  (4) plate n.(棒球)本垒
  (5) emerge v.出现
  (6) dugout n.隐蔽壕
  (7) umpire n.裁判员


  ① Why didn't the coach know the names of his players?
  ② How did the coach call the boys since he didn't know their names?
  ③ Who was number five?
  ④ Why did the coach get annoyed?
  ⑤ How did the players interpret "Number I"?






  ① Because he was the new coach.
  ② He called each boy by the number on his uniform.
  ③ Jeff Smith.
  ④ Because no one responded to his call, and the umpire looked on.
  ⑤ The best team.

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