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  Electricity plays a vital role in our society. First of all, electricity is used for lighting. Electric lamps illuminate millions of families, bringing people brightness, comfort and convenience. Secondly, in industry, as one source of energy, electricity is used to drive machines. It helps to raise productivity, which makes it possible for mankind to produce a great quantity of goods. Moreover, electrified trains, films, televisions and refrigerators are all based on electricity.

  If the world were deprived of electricity, the whole society would be unable to function in its normal way. Cities would be plunged into darkness, industrial production would be reduced to standstill, and all electric apparatus would stop working. In shout, people would feel totally helpless.

  Therefore, on the one hand, we must waste no electricity, on the other we should develop our electric industry so as to generate sufficient electric power to meet the need of society.


  本文根据题目给出的提示展开议论。第一段举出事实说明电在当今社会所起的巨大作用;第二段写如果没有电,人类社会就无法正常运转;第三段写既然电如此重要,我们应该大力发展电力工业,并节约用电。全文层次分明,主题突出。举例恰当, 语言简练,表达清楚。

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