范文:Fuels of the Future
Fuels of the Future
Challenged by the depletion of the world's fossil fuels, man is trying to develop alternate energy resources.
One possibility is nuclear energy, but because of the harmful nuclear waste it will produce and the danger of atomic explosion in the nuclear power plant, there is still a long way to go to put nuclear energy into use on a large scale.
By the use of advanced technology, man can take advantage of solar energy, this can be used to produce electricity so as to provide power for airplanes.
In addition, research on wind energy is under way.
In the face of energy crisis, man has no choice but to explore these alternate energy resources.
文章介绍了几中可替代矿物燃料的能源,主次分明,详略得当。文章虽短,但结构完整。语言精练,定语从句、状语从句等复合句的运用提高了文章水准,使行文紧凑。“on a large scale”、“By the use of ”、“take advantage of ”、“so as to ”、“under way ”、“In the face of”和“no…but”等结构的运用准确恰当,为文章增色不少。
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