
范文:欢送词(send-off speech)

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  欢送词(send-off speech)




  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Time flies! Over two months ago we happily gathered here in this hall to give Mr and Mrs Smith a warm welcome. It is with a special sense of cordiality and joy that we are now gathering here again with them after they have concluded a tour to many parts of our country. During their stay in China, they have carefully studied our educational system as well as politics, economy and culture. They are leaving for home tomorrow. Here we ask them to convey our profound friendship to the people of the United States. We wish them a pleasant journey home and good health. Let's now warmly welcome Mr Smith to address us.


  “Ladies and gentlemen”一般常作为欢送词的称呼语。本文选作一般情况介绍,再对此加以评论和发表看法,表述感情,正好符合欢送词的要求。

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本文标题:范文:欢送词(send-off speech) - 英语作文范文_英语作文万能句子_英语作文模板


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