

阅读 :


the siege of leningrad of 1941-1944 saw a duel between lieutenant gorbatenko and a german sniper. gorbatenko fired at his opponent only to see a spade raised above the enemy trench and waved about, signifying a miss. gorbatenko wanted to get a closer view, but as he shifted his head a shot was fired and a bullet whistled past his ear. gorbatenko hastily found a spade and waved it at the german. for several hours, the contest went on, with each side signalling misses with their spades. at last gorbatenko trapped his man. he did not wave his spade but played dead. for a while the german stayed still until, eager to be certain, he peered over the trench. gorbatenko shot him through the head.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:斗智斗枪(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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