
百喻经之二七: 治鞭疮喻

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§27 治鞭疮喻

(27) dress whip wounds


once upon a time, there was a man who was punished by the king by whipping and was wounded from it. he applied on the wounds horse excrement for quick recovery. a stupid man nearby was pleased to see it. he said to himself, "i have just discovered the method to cure a wound faster."


as soon as he got home, he told his son, "you are going to whip me until i'm wounded. i have got a good method to cure wounds. i should like to try it."


then, he was flogged by his son who dressed his wounds with horse excrement, believing it was a good method.


so are the people at large who hear that the practice of meditation on impurities could remove the evil corruption of the body. they say to themselves in these words, "we are going to meditate on venery and the five desires."


they did not see the impurities of the body, but rather got deceitful and wrong ideas from the pursuit of sexual pleasure. furthermore, they suffer from transmigration and descend into hell.

this is held to be true with the stupid at large dressing their wounds with horse excrement.


① 所鞭:受到鞭打。

② 拊:同敷。

③ 差:病痊愈,又写为“瘥”。

④ 不净观:为了治贪心而观身体的不净,一是观自身的不净,二是观他身的不净,人的一切,无一净相。佛教禅定方式,据载修此禅观可观想死亡后的种种污浊,从而解除对人生世事的贪恋。是禅观“五停心观”之一,即不净观、慈悲观、因缘观、界分别观、数息观,以分别解除世俗的贪欲、瞋恚、愚痴、我见、散乱浮躁等心绪。

⑤ 五阴:又称为“五众”、“五蕴”,佛教专用名词。大致包括色、受、想、行、识五方面的内涵,通常色指物质,受、想、行、识指心理,因此“五阴”在广义上指物质世界和精神世界的总和。有著眼、耳、鼻、舌、口、大小便道之类洩漏不净的疮门,故名五阴身疮。







(摘自《百喻经注释与辨析》荆三隆 邵之茜著)



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