
The Fawn and His Father 小鹿与他的父亲

阅读 :

A YOUNG FAWN once said to his Father, "You are larger than a

dog, and swifter, and more used to running, and you have your

horns as a defense; why, then, O Father! do the hounds frighten

you so?"

He smiled, and said: "I know full well, my son, that all you say

is true. I have the advantages you mention, but when I hear even

the bark of a single dog I feel ready to faint, and fly away as

fast as I can."


No arguments will give courage to the coward.

有一天,小鹿对公鹿说道,“父亲,你怎么还怕狗呢?你比他高大,比他跑得更快,而 且还有很大的角用于自卫。”公鹿笑着说:“孩儿,你说得都对,可我只知道一点,一听到 狗的叫声,我就会不由自主地立刻逃跑。”




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