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  • I catch a cold,feeling terrible. Reply
  • Alothough I feel very tired,I still keep on learning English.Really I need some sleep,when my kid go to sleep,I can have a rest,but something force me to study.I don't know for sure what it is. Reply
  • Why compose a complex sentence is so hard to me?Is it related to the Grammar?English,I love you,please let me know you clearly!  Reply
  • When my baby is sleeping ,I always come here to read some blogs,so I am not lonely.I need to make progress in English everyday.Learning English can enrich my life,drive away the lonely heart. Reply
  • Sleepless...Today is not a good day. Reply
  • Real NameMiss Zhou
  • GenderFemale
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  • Blood TypeB

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  • Yummy525 published a new blog 7-13 13:51
    As a mother
    I have two kids,they are about three years old.As a mother,I find my life is very different from past.WhereverI am,whateverI do ,I always can't help ...
  • Yummy525 published a new blog 7-10 10:18
    I havn't been here for a long time,recently,I find a job,and now I can earn money.It's a pleasure.In fact,I am a little sad.My kids are not by my sid ...
  • Yummy525 published a new blog 12-21 13:49
    Rcently I specially like black.I like black clothes.A few days ago I bought a black coat,I am not interested in colorful clothes.Maybe it's easy to w ...
  • Yummy525 published a new blog 12-16 14:10
    My family
    I was born in a small village,not rich.I get married with a man without a car and a house,he is a migrant worker,not rich as well.I think most couples ...
  • Yummy525 published a new blog 11-30 22:17
    My husband
    My husband is a busy man,we have been married for about four years,but we never had a trip what I desire.When I was pregnant and gave birth to babies, ...
As a mother 2016-07-13
I have two kids,they are about three years old.As a mother,I find my life is very different from past.Wherever I  am,whatever I do ,I ...
(1122) Views|(5) Replies
Decision 2016-07-10
I havn't been here for a long time,recently,I find a job,and now I can earn money.It's a pleasure.In fact,I am a little sad.My kids are not by my sid ...
(837) Views|(2) Replies
Rcently 2015-12-21
Rcently I specially like black.I like black clothes.A few days ago I bought a black coat,I am not interested in colorful clothes.Maybe it's easy to w ...
(1066) Views|(4) Replies
My family 2015-12-16
I was born in a small village,not rich.I get married with a man without a car and a house,he is a migrant worker,not rich as well.I think most couples ...
(1076) Views|(8) Replies
My husband 2015-11-30
My husband is a busy man,we have been married for about four years,but we never had a trip what I desire.When I was pregnant and gave birth to babies, ...
(1550) Views|(21) Replies

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