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you can give the world advice but you can give a advice for your self 2019-01-14
     sometimes  you can give  your friend  a lot of  advices , or  you can comfort  your friends .but&nbs ...
(959) Views|(2) Replies
Nothing about me 2012-08-12
We can't choose what happens to us, but at least, we can choose how we deal with it. I don't agree with sentence above.My roommate talk with me.He ...
(871) Views|(3) Replies
Ice Age: Continental Drift 2012-08-11
Today yuli and I go to 3d cinema to see  ice age continental drift. The film is very perfect.I  have to feel lost.if my company &nbs ...
(910) Views|(1) Replies
Just to write .not to think more. 2012-08-10
  I just try to use English to write something.tomorrow morning i will get early to see sunrise at the beach.i feel little hard to study in this ...
(1094) Views|(7) Replies
life is a journey rather than destination enjoy it 2012-08-08
my english is hard for me ,but i think  i must do ,because  it my most important dream .though my english will be littl ...
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linda@crab 2010-12-13 09:33
hi, friend,hehe
linda@crab 2010-10-29 12:14
favoriteshun: ...........walk  quiet/
linda@crab 2010-10-28 09:30
hi,nice to join here
yaping 2010-10-14 13:19
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