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  • here is a QQ group for you guys to join and practice Englis~ Number is 238266820, Welcome all you guys Reply
  • here is a qq238266820 Reply
  • hey, hey, hey~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Reply
  • hey, hey, hey~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reply
  • feel blue. Is it a post-holiday syndrome? Reply
  • Real NameJean
  • GenderFemale
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  • Residence广东 深圳
  • Blood TypeA
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To be or not to be, that is a question! 2015-02-02
It's been a long time that i havn't been here to record my feelings and share my harvests. To be honest, i miss here very much. Frankly speaking, i m ...
(1625) Views|(12) Replies
【Trial Translation】Drug addiction in Iran 伊朗毒瘾 2013-08-21
原文出处: ...
(2674) Views|(0) Replies
Trial Translation 2013-08-15
中译英 2012年,为了更好地践行汽车企业的社会责任,履行对中国社会的长久承诺,帮助中国的少年儿童更好地适应道路交通环境并了解未来交通趋势,梅赛 ...
(2788) Views|(4) Replies
I like you, but it's in the past. 2013-04-24
I Like you,But It's in the Past. Even though your phone  number   is still  ...
(2019) Views|(15) Replies
something confused me a lot 2013-01-04
2012 is a vital year for me since i accept the love from a boy and we finally made sure our relationship. At the beginning, i was very happy for some ...
(1969) Views|(10) Replies

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Jessfon 2011-1-28 18:36
rjjean: Oh, my dear, never say that again. You know English lover also can become English translator. Believe yourself. Good luck~
Thanks for your enconrage.
Jessfon 2011-1-27 22:02
As a translator, Do you think what's the best method to remember many many words.
Jessfon 2011-1-27 20:54
I envy you for you are an English translator. I'm only an English lover.
Evania 2011-1-27 16:51
rjjean : hi, Evania, i have been a translator in a cosmetic company. To some extent, it is the starting point of my translation career. i have much knowledge a Oh, IC now..Thanks for your explicit explanation, Jean. I'm still in college now, but about to graduate this year. I'm majored in English education, but I have a penchant for translation, so, I took this year's graduate admission test for a chance to further study translation or interpreting as a MTI student. ...
Jessfon 2011-1-26 12:08
Evania 2011-1-26 11:38
Hi, Jean. May I know that you have already become a translator or you are just studying for a master degree of translator, like MTI or things like that?
jeffyang 2010-11-10 10:35
more videos -

What do you think of the videos?
JessicaMing 2010-10-26 14:13
You are a translator??
Shirlychen.2010 2010-10-19 22:42
hello, nice to meet you!
Shirlychen.2010 2010-10-19 22:17
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