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I am reading <pride and prejudice> 2012-02-15
  Recently I ready a novel named <for Jane Austine>. It's an fan fiction. The writer's name is See Weed Bow. the lead lady named Jane ...
(790) Views|(5) Replies
looking for a job 2012-02-14
  Today is Valentine's Day, hope everybody happy Valentine's Day. This is the 24th single Valentine's Day I am living throug ...
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2012-02-07 2012-02-07
 Today i chat a lot on the internet. I've been noted on of my colleague Ting was pregnancy, that's a very good news and i'm glad ...
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can't control myself 2011-03-25
I know i can't control myself, always known. And i had tried many times to control myself, but not successed. I'm a little fat, because of too mu ...
(855) Views|(5) Replies
I hate my computer!! 2011-03-10
I hate my computer!! I was wrote a blog, it's cost my more than half hour and almost to complete, but some problem was happend and my internet exp ...
(854) Views|(2) Replies

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Jessfon 2011-4-17 23:03
Andrewzhong 2011-3-9 23:04
WHT.AND.BLK: you are such a gentleman!
thanks~you are a nice lady~really~
Andrewzhong 2011-3-7 16:20
To be your friend is my great honour…
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