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  • Points: 104
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  • I am learning all kinds of languages. Reply
  • i will meet my classmates! Reply
  • i am happy! Reply
  • You have two new governments in North and South Korea that are still finding out where each other's red lines are. Reply
  • in my next half life,i will only use english in reading,writing,listening and saying. Reply
  • Real Namechuanjiangli
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1969 - 9 - 19
  • Birthplace吉林 松原
  • Residence黑龙江 大庆
  • SchoolJilin University
  • EducationOther
  • CompanyOilfield compary
  • OccupationManager
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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  • muli200807 published a new blog 4-29 15:00
    Learning goal
    You should devote all your free time to doing as much research as possible,mainly because you want to listen to your parents and always try to be a be ...
Learning goal 2021-04-29
You should devote all your free time to doing as much research as possible,mainly because you want to listen to your parents and always try to be a be ...
(728) Views|(1) Replies
I felt very good 2021-04-29
I have lost some accounts and passwords of some app and felt sad very much.Looking for them in my notes,oneday I found them,freshair corming  int ...
(464) Views|(0) Replies
fossils from mars? 2013-07-14
Fossils from Mars? NASA's Dr Everett Gibson describes finding what he and his colleagues believed were tiny fossils in a meteorite from Mars cal ...
(786) Views|(0) Replies
my mind 2012-06-26
I`ve been in pursuit of freedom,but often feel helpless.Look for a goal and continuous learing.For example,the technical aspecta of the well test int ...
(848) Views|(0) Replies
solar storm 2012-05-06
A stream of highly charged particles from the sun is headed straight toward Earth, threatening to plunge (颠覆) cities around the world into ...
(1217) Views|(1) Replies

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muli200807 2012-5-5 15:54
caveman 2012-5-1 23:24
hello ,nice to meet you
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