

阅读 :

It was but yesterday I thought myself a fragment quivering without rhythm in the sphere of life.
Now I know that I am the sphere, and all life in rhythmic fragments moves within me.


Remembrance is a form of meeting.
Forgetfulness is a form of freedom.

The reality of the other person is not in what he reveals to you, but in what he cannot reveal to you.
Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says but rather to what he does not say.

Death is not nearer to the aged than to the new-born; neither is life.

You cannot judge any man beyond your knowledge of him, and how small is your knowledge.




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本文标题:《沙与沫》章节欣赏 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文

上一篇:Scorn Not the Sonnet 下一篇:Daffodils


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