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  A man handed a pair of slacks to the department-store clerk. "I'd like these altered, please," he said. The clerk asked for the sales receipt, but after searching his pockets, the man replied he had lost it. The clerk informed him that it was store policy to do free alterations without a receipt.

  "Okay, then, " the man said, "I'd I like to return the slacks. clerk processed the return and gave him cash equaling the cost of the slacks.

  The man pushed the money back across the counter. "Now I want to buy the slacks, " he said. The clerk rang up the sale, bagged the slacks and handed them to him with a receipt.

  Triumphantly, he put the slacks and the receipt on the counter. "I'd like to have these altered, please."


  (1) slacks n.宽松的裤子

  (2) receipt n.收据

  (3) process v.处理以保存

  (4) ring up用收银机收钱

  (5) bag v.打包;装入袋中

  (6) triumphantly adv.获胜地;得意洋洋地



  ① The man wanted to alter the shoes he bought .

  ② The clerk asked the man for the sales receipt .

  ③ It was the store's policy that free alterations without a receipt allowed but a return without a receipt was alright.

  ④ The clerk was angry with what the man required.

  ⑤ The man got his slacks altered.









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