

阅读 :

  The year before my son turned 18, he constantly pleaded to be allowed to a tattoo, but I refused to sign permission for one. He argued that soon he would be a man and he should be able to make adult decisions. Sure enough, a few days after his 18th birthday, he come home with a tattoo. Although I was not happy about this, I was curious to see what symbol of masculinity he had chosen. There, on his shoulder, was a two-inch image of Mickey Mouse.


  (1) constantly adv. 不断地

  (2) tattoo n. 文身

  (3) permission n. 允许

  (4) masculinity n. 阳性,男性

  (5) image n . 形象,肖像

  (6) Mickey Mouse 米老鼠



  ① When the son pleaded to be allowed to a tattoo, the mother thought her son was old enough to make an adult decision.

  ② A few days before his birthday, the son came home with a tattoo.

  ③ The mother wondered what symbol her son had chosen.

  ④ The image of Mickey Mouse on the son's shoulder was three inches long.

  ⑤ From the passage, we can see that the son really made an adult decision.




  ① F ② F ③ T ④ F ⑤ F

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