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She ate all my bait

The young boy protested vigorously when his mother asked him to take his little sister along fishing. "The last time she came," he objected,“I didn't catch a single fish."
妈妈提出让小男孩带着妹妹一起去钓鱼时,他坚决反对。“上次她 跟着我,”一他抗议道:“我连一条鱼都没能钓上。”

"I'II talk to her," his mother said,"and I promise this time she won't make any noise."

"lt wasn't the noise,Mom,"the boy replied."She ate all my bait."

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本文标题:那些妙趣横生的英语幽默故事130:她把所有的诱饵都吃了 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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