

阅读 :

  1)。 知人者智, 自知者明。

  胜人者有力, 自胜者强。

  知足者富, 强行者有志,

  不失其所者久, 死而不亡者寿。

  He show knows others in wise;

  He who knows himself is clever;

  He who conquers others is forceful;

  He who knows contentment is rich;

  He who perseveres is a man of will;

  He who does not lose his root can endure;

  He whose Tao survives him is long-lived.

  2)。 知不知, 尚矣;

  不知知, 病也。




  Knowing one's ignorance of certain knowledge

  is the best attitude;

  Not knowing certain knowledge yet pretending to know

  is a bad attitude.

  The sage is of no shortcoming,

  Because he considers shortcoming as shortcoming.

  He considers shortcoming as shortcoming,

  Thus he has no shortcoming.






  True words are not embellished,

  The embellished words are not true.

  A good man does not quibble;

  He who quibbles is not good.

  A man of true learning does not show off his learning.

  He who shows off his learning does not have true learning.

  The sage does not store up.

  Helping others as best as he can.

  He is helped even more.

  Giving others as much as he can,

  He becomes richer and richer still.

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