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  • Today is a special day. 20121314 means love you with my whole life. Wish everyone finds the person deserves you to love with your whole life. Reply
  • I just desire to own a happy life, is it so hard? Reply
  • Stimulate my fighting spirit. Reply
  • Sometimes, I suddenly have such impulse. I do not feel like doing anything. I desire a holiday to travel around alone. I doubt whether my soul dreams for freedom and peace. Reply
  • Merry Christmas. Reply
  • Real NameCaroline
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1989 - 7 - 10
  • Birthplace吉林 长春
  • Residence山东 青岛
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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I feel confused these days. 2012-12-29
Since I join in this new space, I prefer to regard it as a screat place where I could describe my happiness and sadness without any hesitation. ...
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Caroline12432 2012-12-25 16:56
Thank you.
DioScofield 2012-12-22 18:30
A lovely girl in your photo, really sweet.
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