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  • Real Name袁新圣
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1972 - 7 - 21
  • HoroscopeCancer
  • Zodiacmouse
  • Birthplace安徽省 芜湖市 镜湖区 北门街道
  • Residence安徽省 芜湖市 镜湖区 北门街道
  • Relationshipmarried.have a daughter
  • Finding ...上海新都市风情翻译工作室,提供英语笔译服务
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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don't compete with me of talkativeness. 2016-07-28
oh,no! to practice english,i have become the number talktive man in this world.don't compete with me with will be sent to hospital.t ...
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i am a retired boxer 2016-07-28
i am not lying.but,i am not thretening you.not neccessary,i am just making fun.even though you extend your head and let me blow on it,i would refused ...
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ok,i don't use chinese titel again. 2016-07-28
i found some guys here are with bad mood.they are too serious.they don't know how to live cheerfully,lightly,leisurely.i am sure  they are workin ...
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mung bean porridge is wonderful! ... 2016-07-28
you know? it is scortching these days.yeah,about one is about 39 degree celsius today.really hot.guys don't want eat,i cooked mung bea ...
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what does top lever english mean for our chinese? 2016-07-28
what does top lever english mean for our chinese? if you are english learner,i must say only your english is as good as your english,can you say your ...
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