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( 18334 ) Visits

  • never regret  Reply
  • never regret  Reply
  • the new page is   Reply
  • Do you hope to have your own family soon?i have to admit i want to ,even though i knew that mostly depends on fate. Reply
  • yes ,i felt it in my bones tomorrow morning,it's really snow!it's snow!hah Reply
  • Real NameXiaxia
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1988 -
  • HoroscopeAries
  • Birthplace山东 莱芜
  • Residence山东 济南
  • Blood TypeAB

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  • Xiaxia uploaded new images 6-1 18:53
To My Embarrassing Day 2013-03-21
To My Embarrassing Day   The day was the last day to report tax returns, I got a phone suddenly at 2:30 p.m, telling me to report ...
(1738) Views|(3) Replies
Good Luck from Now on 2013-03-11
Haha,half past a month has gone,and i have to say something excitely :i find a job in jinan,in shandong province where   i wa s born and ...
(1114) Views|(6) Replies
can you help me? 2012-10-17
   Nowadays, I wonder why more and more people    choose to take part in the exam –big or small ,   professional or ...
(1063) Views|(8) Replies
my coming back- ---thoughts 2012-02-13
    I arrived at school 5 days ago,though few of my friends and classmates were here .At first ,i  regreted coming so early,&n ...
(1251) Views|(5) Replies
on the way to the top 2011-10-11
There are some sentences that were translated by myself,and i want  to share them with all of you ,my dear friends.What's more important ,i wan ...
(1275) Views|(6) Replies

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snowflying 2011-10-30 13:17
nice to meet you,dear friend.
searchmyanswer 2011-7-31 22:15
thank you for ur concern. look forward to knowing u better.
bigcat 2011-7-19 12:47
HELLO,pretty girl,
bigcat 2011-7-19 12:31
Xiaxia: good morning.i come to see you .
Xiaxia 2011-6-29 11:06
hehe,welcome forever.have a ball.
pujiang 2011-6-29 10:49
thanks for visiting me.and i am back for you.
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