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  • The number of Dioenglish is almost reaching to 100,000. Reply
  • Learned French by osmosis while residing in Paris for 15 years 居住在巴黎的十五年已经潜移默化地学习了法语 Reply
  • He has no notion of what I mean 他不明白我的意思 In this house grandfather rules the roost. 祖父在这所房子里当家做主 The consequence of her misdeeds eventually came home to roost Reply
  • Fantasies are more than sustitudes for the unpleasant reality 幻想的意义并不仅在于作为失意现实的替代物 Reply
  • They hailed insults at me. 他们对我大加侮辱。 Reply
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Niche in life 2016-02-12
So complicated and quickly-changed world and society, it is not easy to find one's niche in life.
(1272) Views|(2) Replies
Good will 2016-02-11
Even if you have a good will, you might end up getting something you don't want.
(1062) Views|(3) Replies
Looking for the co-operation 2013-06-29
There are many translation projects needed to complete. If you have some translation experience and are interested in the translaton, contact or leav ...
(1646) Views|(9) Replies
Excellent english does not quarantee making big money 2012-12-17
The physical society gives many people a wrong illusion. It seems that people get a high-paid job if one master english. That'why the reason the ...
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Fate is sealed 2012-04-17
There are some free time on the noon time. But most of colleagues are watching online film. So the speed of Internet is so slow even if visiting this ...
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lyrebird06 2014-9-28 09:07
I'm fine. Thank you very much.
freefu55 2014-9-27 11:14
Just want to know how your life is. Missing you my friend.
lyrebird06 2014-9-26 18:28
freefu55 2014-9-26 13:26
Hello my friend. How are you? Want to have a talk with you.
lyrebird06 2013-12-12 16:24
Internet is a two-blade tool. It provides a opening place for peoples to express their own idesa, opnions and so on. But it also make one more openly exposed to the public. No privacy.
freefu55 2013-12-11 19:51
Hey my friend. Why didn't you keep your writing?
lyrebird06 2013-5-27 21:01
it is just as it is.
freefu55 2013-5-26 18:53
Hey, dear friend. How have you been? miss you a lot, want to know more of your life. It is the fate that we started our blogs here and become friend.
annayang 2013-4-17 12:29
lyrebird06: The picture is interesting
如主文 2012-9-13 08:18
lyrebird06: changed new avatar
Yeah, the new one is more friendly while the old one is ferocious...haha
sunnyv 2012-7-22 13:09
lyrebird06: changed the picture of your profile.
Haha yeah.. I changed my avatar picture because it is quite boring and  I don't want to make readers suffer by having to see me picture all the time, so I combined it into a scenery. I will change it again later.
loong 2012-6-24 17:13
I am learning French. For hobby. I hope u can tell me more methods. I once downloaded French apps into iPhone. But it is too hard.
sunnyv 2012-4-15 21:33
lyrebird06: You are so popular.
What counts is you are reading my blogs and we support each otherl.
possible 2012-3-19 12:37
you are IT engineer?haha.i major in software engineer.
如主文 2012-1-16 21:53
lyrebird06 : You are IT engineer. Do you have some software which can help me find if someone is monitoring my computer screen. I suspect my superintend have alred I didn't do anything about windows OS, mainly about Linux. Maybe you can use run->cmd->netstat or run->msconfig->startup to check. Maybe you can use Ethereal software to capture packets of your network adaptor and get analysis. Because no matter what monitor software it is, it has to send request packets to your PC, you can captur ... ...
snowflying 2012-1-12 23:09
changed a new?! the same girl,hehe..
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