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  • GenderMale
  • HoroscopeScorpio
  • Zodiacsheep
  • Occupationstudent
  • Blood TypeB

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  • Merry Christmas  Reply
  • These days, I have kept thinking..maybe I will give up the chance to go abroad because of some reasons. Reply
  • It's raining outside. Everything gonna be refreshing,Cool! Reply

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  • Yuefan published a new blog 8-13 14:09
    A Nightmare
    Yesterday night, I recurred a nightmare about the scenario of forthcoming exam on Sep. It was not until 3:00 when I finally fell into sleep last nig ...
  • Yuefan published a new blog 5-24 20:23
    After Written Translation Test...
    Last Sunday, I took part in Written Translation Test of CATTI whose full name is China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters. F ...
  • Yuefan published a new blog 5-20 18:22
    Today is May.20th abbreviated as 520 which in chinese pronunciation is similar to "I love you". Therefore, it is a tendency among people, especially y ...
  • Yuefan published a new blog 5-17 16:36
    May comes silently and temperature is getting higher. For students, any school stuff in either May or June is regarded as the preparation for their ...
  • Yuefan published a new blog 6-11 18:16
    Talk about the REPLACERS in GAOKAO
    As is known to us all that, Gaokao is just like a big festival in China. The three-day Battle , from June 7 to June 9, is extremely important for lar ...
A Nightmare 2016-08-13
Yesterday night, I recurred a nightmare about the scenario of forthcoming exam on Sep. It was not until 3:00 when I finally fell into sleep last nig ...
(1087) Views|(2) Replies
After Written Translation Test... 2016-05-24
Last Sunday, I took part in Written Translation Test of CATTI whose full name is China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters. F ...
(1494) Views|(14) Replies
520 2016-05-20
Today is May.20th abbreviated as 520 which in chinese pronunciation is similar to "I love you". Therefore, it is a tendency among people, especially y ...
(1127) Views|(3) Replies
May. 2016-05-17
May comes silently and temperature is getting higher. For students, any school stuff in either May or June is regarded as the preparation for their ...
(828) Views|(5) Replies
Talk about the REPLACERS in GAOKAO 2015-06-11
As is known to us all that, Gaokao is just like a big festival in China. The three-day Battle , from June 7 to June 9,  is extremely important f ...
(888) Views|(4) Replies

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