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  • Real Namezhang min
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  • Juliezhang published a new blog 6-27 22:32
    over or on
    those days could be the busiest and riddenest time for me. as a graduate, I had to run to different job fairs in different schools. regularly, there i ...
  • Juliezhang published a new blog 5-26 22:46
    my God! what a bad day!!!
    I could say today is the worst day that I have in this year. typically, I don't like May,and somehow hate it. in May, all bad things happen. that caus ...
  • Juliezhang published a new blog 5-22 10:54
    the one who eats eggplants will have a happy life in this summer
    The other day, I just read one article about how to cook eggplants in the summer. So I like to share the recipes about eggplants. Now ,have a big fe ...
  • Juliezhang published a new blog 5-18 20:30
    How to upload you avater
    I have noticed this website for several weeks. because I was busy for the last week, So ,recently,I just registered this website. I have a problem wit ...
patriotism 2016-07-15
for these days, every chinese is  concentrated on the the ownship of the South China Sea. from the qq to the wechat, weibo, the news occupy our e ...
(1066) Views|(0) Replies
over or on 2016-06-27
those days could be the busiest and riddenest time for me. as a graduate, I had to run to different job fairs in different schools. regularly, there i ...
(886) Views|(4) Replies
my God! what a bad day!!! 2016-05-26
I could say today is the worst day that I have in this year. typically, I don't like May,and somehow hate it. in May, all bad things  happen. tha ...
(1076) Views|(2) Replies
the one who eats eggplants will have a happy life in this summer 2016-05-22
The other day, I just read one article about how to cook eggplants in the summer. So I like to share the recipes about eggplants. Now ,have a big fe ...
(1157) Views|(7) Replies
How to upload you avater 2016-05-18
I have noticed this website for several weeks. because I was busy for the last week, So ,recently,I just registered this website. I have a problem wit ...
(1013) Views|(7) Replies

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sunnyv 2016-5-18 11:26
Juliezhang: hi, I know you are a  frequenter on this website, may I you some questions, how can I upload my avatar ,the picture I choose can not be uploaded. Do y ...
Possibly something wrong with your picture. Choose another picture  and ensure that it is in ''jpg'' format.
sunnyv 2016-5-18 11:25
Juliezhang: hi, I know you are a  frequenter on this website, may I you some questions, how can I upload my avatar ,the picture I choose can not be uploaded. Do y ...
Click My Menu/My Space/Edit-Avatar.
The rest is in Chinese so I can't follow from there. Sorry.
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