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  • It has been long time not to use this platform....nearly forget it Reply
  • Is everybody know how to change the username of this platform???? Reply
  • Let the memories of that period covered in my memory!!! Reply
  • How could I do? I will always think of the everything of yours when I have nothing to do on my own. How long do I need to take to forget everything about you? One month? One year? Or.....[em:2 Reply
  • Today we are so busy and I am so tired! Good night! Reply
  • Real NameJenny
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1993 - 9 - 2
  • Birthplace广东 汕头
  • Residence广东 广州
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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Just writing 2012-10-28
     Time goes fly! I have came out to this society for nearly one year! During this year, I learn from it so much. I know how to com ...
(1112) Views|(8) Replies
My younger brother 2012-07-23
It seems I haven't written new blog for a long time! Because I have no mood in these day and there have many thing that make me very confused. It's ab ...
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Such a girl like me 2012-07-08
  I admit that I am not an optimistic girl! I like sitting here on my own, thinking something of the past and dreaming about the future when ...
(1229) Views|(10) Replies
A good website 2012-07-05
    Well! I'd like to be grateful to my friend who introduce me this website! It's a very useful website. On this platform, I can say whate ...
(1209) Views|(11) Replies

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