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( 53004 ) Visits

  • Farewell, there has more important thing is waiting for me and i'm ready to go for it, 天下无不散之筵席, time to say goodbye! If you are the person being blessed, we will meet someday...... Reply
  • The more you own, the less safty you will feel, what the most people chase is the false thing Reply
  • I feel sad to see some guy i dislike here, always spread some vulgar infomation here, make the place not that pure and happy. My last advice for all guys here is, know God and love him, coz he loves u Reply
  • The Croods Reply
  • Enjoy your holiday! Reply
  • Real Nameloly
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday3 - 29
  • Birthplace湖北 荆州
  • Residence湖北 荆州
  • Blood TypeO
  • QQQQ
  • Websitehttp://
  • IntroductionTry my best to be God's good daughter

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  • loly90 published a new blog 10-26 21:41
    Protect our mind
    There is our Chinese old saying like this, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil(非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言).It tells us that, for anything ...
  • loly90 published a new blog 10-26 16:01
    Every time when there is going to have my weekend, i feel quite happy. It's our time, and i like to havemore free time. Nowdays the business is not ...
  • loly90 published a new blog 10-25 18:02
    Somebody told me a joke
    Before get off work, i share you a joke here, hehe, maybe it's not funny as you see it, anyway, i'm putting it here...... Two guyswere ...
  • loly90 published a new blog 10-23 14:37
    The most wise person in the world
    Solomon, the old Israel's king after David, was the most wise people in the world, was born in 1000 BC(short for "before Christ"), also about 3000 ...
  • loly90 published a new blog 10-23 11:48
    When i knew dog could swim
    The first time i knew dog could swim when i waswatching a TV play named The sino-japanese war, at that time, i was attending primary school. The na ...
Protect our mind 2013-10-26
  There is our Chinese old saying like this, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil(非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言). It tells us that, f ...
(1635) Views|(4) Replies
Wandering 2013-10-26
  Every time when there is going to have my weekend, i feel quite happy. It's our time, and i like to have more free time. Nowdays the bus ...
(1616) Views|(4) Replies
Somebody told me a joke 2013-10-25
  Before get off work, i share you a joke here, hehe, maybe it's not funny as you see it, anyway, i'm putting it here......   &n ...
(1793) Views|(10) Replies
The most wise person in the world 2013-10-23
  Solomon, the old Israel's king after David, was the most wise people in the world, was born in 1000 BC(short for "before Christ"), also about ...
(1704) Views|(2) Replies
When i knew dog could swim 2013-10-23
  The first time i knew dog could swim when i was watching a TV play named The sino-japanese war, at that time, i was attending primary sc ...
(1458) Views|(2) Replies

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Soar 2014-9-26 21:03
Hi,Loly. I wonder when you will come back and share your stories. I want to tell you i miss you so much.
Soar 2014-9-26 21:02
Hi,Loly. I wonder when you will come back and share your stories. I want to tell you i miss you so much.
moli 2014-1-28 11:40
long time no see, and happy new year!
Yusuf 2013-12-24 15:04
hello, how are you ?
Yusuf 2013-11-24 19:13
long time no see ,how are you ?is everything ok?
jianghaoyuan 2013-8-18 21:40
Thanks for giving me a blessing. It felt very good!
Soar 2013-8-11 20:26
loly90: Dear Soar, is everything going ok? Don't forget to enjoy your weeked! Happy everyday!
Thanks. How about your weekend? Are you very busy recently? Today i had a day off and went to a park. You know it's very very hot staying at indoors without air-conditioner. So how lucky and enjoyable when i sat under the big tree near a river in which has lots of lotus.
Soar 2013-7-28 20:37
Dear Loly, i miss you now. How are you doing? Does everything go well with you? I have left my hometown for work already. You know my problem has been solved. All i have to do is work harder from now on.
Soar 2013-6-24 22:10
loly90 : Dear Soar, how is everything going? Dear loly, thanks for your care. I will have my vocation soon. I am going back home. I was really busy and tired these two months. Luckily, i could say goodbye to my tiring things. You are always hardworking.  you often post your  blogs here to share your life. I learnt a lot from you. I hope everything will go well with you. May God bless you and give your more happiness. We believe no matter what tomorrow will be better. ...
indiangirl 2013-6-12 09:12
Hi Loly, could you do me a favor and show me the step to have a nice space? I could not find it after updated...Happy Dragon Boat Fetival!
JorainFrank 2013-5-28 11:58
sunnyv 2013-5-18 10:20
loly90:    Haha, Sunny, catch you here, good night! I have to work tomorrow.
Oh poor little girl having to work on a Saturday. It is Saturday 10am now and it is raining heavily outside, seems god is on your side and you are blessed. Sometimes, we are fortunate in many aspects without knowing it. Have a nice weekend anyway.
Yusuf 2013-5-9 11:09
loly90: Hi, i remember that you want to present a gift to your dear mother to celebrate mother's day, right? You know, sometimes, we choose a gift that mother ...
ok    thank you friend~!
heai88 2013-5-8 15:15
loly90 : Dea tomto, don't forget us! Do remember to see us here. So much thanks for giving us good memories here, thank you so much, u are a diligent person! Loly, thank you for your message. I never ever forget you all. As you all are my best and kind friends. Honestly, I like DIOENGLISH website very much and everytime I log in here, I don't know why I often feel at ease. I am back now. and I will study hard to improve my English, as I need to seak a job to support myself and my family in t ... ...
Soar 2013-5-3 16:16
loly90: Dear buddy, how is everything going?
wow, you are so sweet. you know the weekend is coming. so I don't have any reason not to be happy. Haha, happy weekends!
moli 2013-5-1 12:11
loly90: Like your name, diffuse the fragrance of jasmine, full of beauty and confidence! Happy international labor's day!
Thank you!
You, too.
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