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  • Real NameHu Juanjuan
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  • TigerAlice published a new blog 1-18 16:50
    Now, I am an English teacher.
    It has been a long time since i came here. Two years ago, i was a college student. Now i am an English teacher in a middle school. During the two yea ...
  • TigerAlice published a new blog 4-16 22:00
    It is difficult to be a good English teacher.
    Today is Saturday, and I went to an auxiliary class to teach some students to learn English words. I am awared of a fact that my pronunciation is very ...
  • TigerAlice published a new blog 6-27 16:03
    I Want To Be an Amateur Photography
    I want to be an amateur photography. Now, I am sitting in the library and writing a diary. To tell the truth, from the begi ...
  • TigerAlice published a new blog 6-8 16:46
    A Bed or a House
    With the upturn of people's living standards, a hot question that "A bed in the city or a house in the village, which will you choose? " Opinions va ...
  • TigerAlice published a new blog 5-31 11:26
    Never Give Up
    作文号:10 题目:Never Give Up I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. Today is Saturday. On the way to my classroom, I met a senior who w ...
Now, I am an English teacher. 2018-01-18
    It has been a long time since i came here. Two years ago, i was a college student. Now i am an English teacher in a middle sc ...
(1072) Views|(1) Replies
It is difficult to be a good English teacher. 2016-04-16
   Today is Saturday, and I went to an auxiliary class to teach some students to learn English words. I am awared of a fact that my pronunci ...
(983) Views|(6) Replies
I Want To Be an Amateur Photography 2015-06-27
  I want to be an amateur photography. Now, I am sitting in the library and writing a diary. To tell the truth, from th ...
(936) Views|(7) Replies
A Bed or a House 2015-06-08
    With the upturn of people's living standards, a hot question that "A bed in the city or a house in the village, which will you cho ...
(804) Views|(2) Replies
Never Give Up 2015-05-31
作文号:10 题目:Never Give Up I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. Today is Saturday. On the way to my classroom, I met a senior who w ...
(1038) Views|(3) Replies

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